Gaming Tramps

Gaming and Games Discussion

A couple of things and a pimp

Posted by hailin on October 2, 2007

Wow what a weekend I have had. Actually it really wasn’t that exciting till I got Halo3.

Yes I am now a hypocrite. I told everyone I knew I wasn’t buying it and poof I did. Well actually I traded in some games for it since why spend money when I don’t have to. Part of being a gaming tramp is to be a cheap skate. So that is what I did.

Now as far as Halo3 goes I LOVE it. For now. I am not to sure on the multi-player. I haven’t had enough time with it to say yeh or neh. (Like yay or nay just more chilled.)

Most of the complaints coming from the podcasting community have been about the cheesy cinematic dialog. I have to agree. BUT, here it is folks, I think the dialog is fun and enjoyable. I makes me want to see what will happen next and is highly enjoyable. It’s campy fun and there is nothing wrong with that. With all the serious shooters hitting the shelves Halo3’s storyline is a breath of fresh air and so cheesy I can’t stop playing it.

Right now I am going through it on 4 player campaign. Bungie did some amazing coding to get this to work. I am extremely impressed with the quality. We get the odd slow down or person crashing. For the most part it is smooth. We have discovered only one major bug with the frame rate totally crashing. Other then that high five to Bungie. I can see only one other game offering this much fun and that is Orange Box from Valve which I believe releases next week.

On the MMO front I have let EQ2 die. As I have said in previous posts I have grown frustrated and bored with it. I do want to thank Brackish over at Brackish Waters for stepping up and say hey dude come play with us. While I am grateful I am on the line about it. I have been reading his site for a time now and watching him get hooked on SOE’s baby. The enthusiasm he has for the game is not at the same level for me. He is reading lore (Which I never did), paying attention to quests (Which I just hyper clicked through), Brack is diving into the game head first and giving a damn. I think my interest has waned so much I just don’t give a damn about Norath anymore. I gave it the old college try and I failed miserably at it. Warhammer anyone.

On a side note about Brackish, catch him on the new Shut up We’re Talking along with host Darren and Keen and Graev. Every episode has been great this one is just as awesome.

Hailin signing out, and getting pwned by a 12 year old near you soon.

3 Responses to “A couple of things and a pimp”

  1. KevinC said

    I’ve been debating lately whether or not I want to get back into EQ2 myself. It’s been about a year since I last played, and I have a couple of characters parked in the 40-50 range. With the new xpac coming out, and the Faydark stuff I’ve never seen, it’s kind of tempting.

    But on the other hand I’m holding out for my War invite because I know when that happens I’ll be fully into that.

    Decisions, decisions. Don’t let those 12 years olds get the best of you!

  2. Hey Hailin,
    Yeah its going fairly well in EQ2 right now, but I think it really has to do with the fact that I have a steady group and the time to check everything out. I can see some players viewpoints in that the genre itself is getting old and we need something fresh, but I can’t help but enjoy myself here.

    As to the future, im looking forward to POTBS. I think Ill jump in this one because Im getting a little tired of the dreary environments. I hope that the ship to ship combat on open seas will not only entertain me with the experience but also wow me with the bright colors of the environment.

    Ill definitely see you in WAR as the PVP advancement is enticing and Mythic just brings so much more to the table.

  3. hailin said

    Hmm I don’t think the genre is old and tired. I like it actually the way it is. I have to wonder now if EQ2 even interested me at all or if I was just bandwagon jumping with my buddies.

    I mean there had to be an attraction there or I just wasted a couple of hundred dollars on it.

    Your right Brack people can make or break the game I think this has always been this way.

    I have beta’d POTBS and I got to say I am not going to be traversing the waters there any time soon if at all. I would have to say that is all I can say at the time due to NDA. Even what I have said now is to much. 🙂

    I won’t Kevin. lol.

    I will definitely be checking war out.

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